IFRQ-FM Playlists
All tracks from every INFREQUENCY-FM playlist in one, long playlist — over 100 years of hidden gems!
All tracks from every INFREQUENCY-FM playlist1 in one, long playlist. Just hit random & enjoy over 100 years of mostly lesser-known and obscure tracks from every decade from the 1910s to the 2020s!
Direct link to Spotify in case above embed isn’t working: IFRQ-FM
Current track count: 1004; 64 hours, 3 minutes [02.09.25]
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Know a song you think should be included? If you have Spotify, add it to this collaborative playlist — those without Spotify, feel free to leave a comment below.
Technically, it’s just “most”. At first I did blindly dump everything into one playlist, but noticed that artists with playlists over 20 songs ended up being played way too often. Instead, I decided to only include 5 or so tracks from individual artist playlists and that seemed to make the listening experience a little more enjoyable. The individual artist playlists will contain more songs than are included on the main playlist.