The very first concert I smuggled a camera into was the Violent Femmes playing at a college in Geneseo, NY back in 1996. I had just started a photography class as a senior in high school and was excited to show off my new skills. A little too excited, as it turned out. The next day, as I was anxiously unloading the film and preparing to develop it, I failed to notice that I grabbed the fixer solution (meant to be used after developing) and not the developer I just made… which resulted in a roll of blank film. Yay!
Over the years, as my interest in photography waned, I still went to lots of shows, but didn’t spend a lot time documenting them — and if I did it was with either broken, borrowed, or otherwise less than ideal equipment (e.g. pre-2010 cell phones). That said, I did wind up with quite a few cool shots regardless of circumstances.
Below is a collection of 100 pictures from various shows I’ve been to over the years. I’ve also included a couple YouTube links to some of my favorite tracks by each band, and a Spotify playlist with double the number of tracks (64 tracks, 3.5 hours).
… saw Deftones there too
I grew up in Phoenix. I was at that Misfits show. Electric Ballroom was maybe 300-400 people.